WHM Scripts
When cPanel and WHM is installed, a number of predefined scripts become available in your server’s /scripts directory. You can use any of the scripts simply by typing its location in a terminal session. For example, if you wanted to run the update script, you would type: /scripts/upcp.
Warning: Do not use a script within the /scripts directory if it is not listed here. Executing one of these scripts may damage your server.
easyapache — Upgrades and reinstalls the Apache web server.
phpextensionmgr — Manages PHP extensions.
*up — Updates a service. We currently provide the following update scripts for the services noted:
bandminup — Bandmin application.
courierup — Courier mail server.
cpaddonsup — cPanel’s addon scripts.
dovecotup — Dovecot mail server.
eximup — Exim mail exchanger.
ftpup — FTP servers (ProFTP and Pure-FTP).
imapup — IMAP mail server.
mysqlup — MySQL service.
nsdup — BIND nameserver.
phpup — Current version of PHP.
suphpup — SuPHP tool for handling PHP requests.
restartsrv_* — Restarts a service. We currently provide restart scripts for the following; simply replace the asterisk (*) in restartsrv_* with the term in bold:
apache — Apache web server.
bind — BIND nameserver software.
chkservd — cPanel’s TailWatch log processing service.
clamd — ClamAV anti-virus software.
courier — Courier mail server.
cpdavd — cPanel’s WebDAV server.
cppop — cPanel’s POP server.
dovecot — Dovecot mail server.
entropychat — Entropy chat client.
exim — Exim mail exchanger.
eximstats — Exim mail statistics tracker.
ftpserver — FTP server.
httpd — Apache web server.
imap — IMAP server.
inetd — Super-server daemon for managing Internet services.
interchange — Interchange e-commerce software.
ipaliases — IP aliasing software.
melange — Melange chat client.
mysql — MySQL database server.
named — BIND nameserver software.
nsd — Open-source NSD nameserver daemon.
postgres — PostgresSQL database service.
postgresql — PostgreSQL database service.
proftpd — ProFTP server daemon.
pureftpd — Pure-FTP server daemon.
rsyslogd — Open-source log forwarder daemon.
spamd — Spam-deferral daemon.
sshd — Secure shell daemon.
syslogd — Log forwarder daemon.
tailwatchd — cPanel’s TailWatch log processing service.
tomcat — Apache Tomcat service.
xinetd — Open-source super-server daemon.
addpop — Adds a POP account.
delpop — Removes a POP account.
wwwacct — Adds a cPanel account.
restorepkg — Restores an account backup or cpmove package.
cpbackup — Backs up all accounts.
pkgacct — Generates cpmove files, which contain all data for an account. This script is very useful for transferring an account.
upcp — Updates cPanel and WHM.
setupmailserver — Allows you to switch mail servers.
setupftpserver — Allows you to switch FTP servers.
setupnameserver — Allows switching between DNS servers.
checkperlmodules — Contains a list of standard CPAN modules to install on cPanel servers. This script is used in conjunction with realperlinstaller, below.
realperlinstaller — A wrapper script that automates the installation of Perl CPAN modules.
suspendacct — Suspends an account.
unsuspendacct — Unsuspends an account.
runweblogs — Updates statistics for a user.
runstatsonce — Updates statistics for all users.
makecppphp — Reinstalls cPanel’s internal PHP.
portsup — Updates ports (on FreeBSD® systems only).
When cPanel and WHM is installed, a number of predefined scripts become available in your server’s /scripts directory. You can use any of the scripts simply by typing its location in a terminal session. For example, if you wanted to run the update script, you would type: /scripts/upcp.
Warning: Do not use a script within the /scripts directory if it is not listed here. Executing one of these scripts may damage your server.
easyapache — Upgrades and reinstalls the Apache web server.
phpextensionmgr — Manages PHP extensions.
*up — Updates a service. We currently provide the following update scripts for the services noted:
bandminup — Bandmin application.
courierup — Courier mail server.
cpaddonsup — cPanel’s addon scripts.
dovecotup — Dovecot mail server.
eximup — Exim mail exchanger.
ftpup — FTP servers (ProFTP and Pure-FTP).
imapup — IMAP mail server.
mysqlup — MySQL service.
nsdup — BIND nameserver.
phpup — Current version of PHP.
suphpup — SuPHP tool for handling PHP requests.
restartsrv_* — Restarts a service. We currently provide restart scripts for the following; simply replace the asterisk (*) in restartsrv_* with the term in bold:
apache — Apache web server.
bind — BIND nameserver software.
chkservd — cPanel’s TailWatch log processing service.
clamd — ClamAV anti-virus software.
courier — Courier mail server.
cpdavd — cPanel’s WebDAV server.
cppop — cPanel’s POP server.
dovecot — Dovecot mail server.
entropychat — Entropy chat client.
exim — Exim mail exchanger.
eximstats — Exim mail statistics tracker.
ftpserver — FTP server.
httpd — Apache web server.
imap — IMAP server.
inetd — Super-server daemon for managing Internet services.
interchange — Interchange e-commerce software.
ipaliases — IP aliasing software.
melange — Melange chat client.
mysql — MySQL database server.
named — BIND nameserver software.
nsd — Open-source NSD nameserver daemon.
postgres — PostgresSQL database service.
postgresql — PostgreSQL database service.
proftpd — ProFTP server daemon.
pureftpd — Pure-FTP server daemon.
rsyslogd — Open-source log forwarder daemon.
spamd — Spam-deferral daemon.
sshd — Secure shell daemon.
syslogd — Log forwarder daemon.
tailwatchd — cPanel’s TailWatch log processing service.
tomcat — Apache Tomcat service.
xinetd — Open-source super-server daemon.
addpop — Adds a POP account.
delpop — Removes a POP account.
wwwacct — Adds a cPanel account.
restorepkg — Restores an account backup or cpmove package.
cpbackup — Backs up all accounts.
pkgacct — Generates cpmove files, which contain all data for an account. This script is very useful for transferring an account.
upcp — Updates cPanel and WHM.
setupmailserver — Allows you to switch mail servers.
setupftpserver — Allows you to switch FTP servers.
setupnameserver — Allows switching between DNS servers.
checkperlmodules — Contains a list of standard CPAN modules to install on cPanel servers. This script is used in conjunction with realperlinstaller, below.
realperlinstaller — A wrapper script that automates the installation of Perl CPAN modules.
suspendacct — Suspends an account.
unsuspendacct — Unsuspends an account.
runweblogs — Updates statistics for a user.
runstatsonce — Updates statistics for all users.
makecppphp — Reinstalls cPanel’s internal PHP.
portsup — Updates ports (on FreeBSD® systems only).
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