الاثنين، 1 يونيو 2009

SpamWall Online Operations Manual

SpamWall Control Panel - Mail Queue Manager
The "View System Mail Queue" option on the control panel will allow you to access the Mail Queue Management System. The Mail Queue Manager allows you to view and manage the emails which have been "queued" on your SpamWall system. This means that they are either waiting to be processed or delayed on the system for some reason, usually because the receiving server is not able to receive the message due to technical or other reasons.Once connected to the Mail Queue Management System you will be presented with a list of all of the email messages (if any) which are currently in the mail queue on your SpamWall system.If there are currently no messages in the queue a "Mail queue is empty" message will be displayed instead. The Mail Queue Manager allows you to view details of any queued messages on your SpamWall system. In addition, if you are looking for a specific message and there are a number of messages in the queue you can use the search feature on the Mail Queue Manager to search the mail queue using various search criteria. These criteria include "Queue ID", "Activity" (Any/Error/Hold/Active), "Sender", "Recipient", "Error", "Size" or "Date".At the bottom of the Mail Queue Manager screen the "Top 10" messages in terms of "Senders", "Recipients", "Sender domains" and "Recipient domains" will also be displayed.Any mail currently in the queue on your SpamWall system will be displayed in the Mail Queue Manager screen in the order which it was received on the system with the most recently queued email messages being displayed at top of the screen. There are various management options available on the Mail Queue Manager which allow you to sort the message records in terms of "Queue ID", "Activity", "Sender", "Recipient", "Error", "Size" or "Date" by clicking on the appropriate heading in the menu bar of the mail queue display. You can also view the actual contents of any messages in the mail queue by clicking on the "Queue ID" of the associated message, which will cause the Mail Queue Manager to open up another browser window and display the contents of the message you have selected. Note that depending on how many messages are in the mail queue it may take up to 30-60 seconds for the Mail Queue Manager to search the mail queue and open up the selected message for display. Note also that it may be necessary to disable any "popup blocker" option you may have set on your web browser or installed on your PC in order to use this feature. If a "Cannot get message contents" message is received when attempting to view an email message in the queue this means that the email in question was either delivered or deleted by the administrator and is no longer in the queue.You can also use the Mail Queue Manager to delete any unwanted email from the mail queue by selecting the check box next to the email(s) you wish to delete and then clicking on the "Delete selected messages" button at the bottom of the Mail Queue Manager screen. Note that for technical reasons the number of messages able to be deleted at any one time is set to 64. If you need to delete more than this at any one time you will need to use the deletion option in the Mail Queue Manager several times until all of the desired emails have been deleted. While logged into the Mail Queue Manager if at any time you wish to see an updated list of messages currently in the mail queue you can select the "RELOAD MAIL QUEUE DISPLAY" button to reload the current mail queue information. In order to log out of the Mail Queue Manager and return to the main interface click on the "RETURN TO MAIN INTERFACE" link.

WHM Scripts

WHM Scripts
When cPanel and WHM is installed, a number of predefined scripts become available in your server’s /scripts directory. You can use any of the scripts simply by typing its location in a terminal session. For example, if you wanted to run the update script, you would type: /scripts/upcp.
Warning: Do not use a script within the /scripts directory if it is not listed here. Executing one of these scripts may damage your server.
easyapache — Upgrades and reinstalls the Apache web server.
phpextensionmgr — Manages PHP extensions.
*up — Updates a service. We currently provide the following update scripts for the services noted:
bandminup — Bandmin application.
courierup — Courier mail server.
cpaddonsup — cPanel’s addon scripts.
dovecotup — Dovecot mail server.
eximup — Exim mail exchanger.
ftpup — FTP servers (ProFTP and Pure-FTP).
imapup — IMAP mail server.
mysqlup — MySQL service.
nsdup — BIND nameserver.
phpup — Current version of PHP.
suphpup — SuPHP tool for handling PHP requests.
restartsrv_* — Restarts a service. We currently provide restart scripts for the following; simply replace the asterisk (*) in restartsrv_* with the term in bold:
apache — Apache web server.
bind — BIND nameserver software.
chkservd — cPanel’s TailWatch log processing service.
clamd — ClamAV anti-virus software.
courier — Courier mail server.
cpdavd — cPanel’s WebDAV server.
cppop — cPanel’s POP server.
dovecot — Dovecot mail server.
entropychat — Entropy chat client.
exim — Exim mail exchanger.
eximstats — Exim mail statistics tracker.
ftpserver — FTP server.
httpd — Apache web server.
imap — IMAP server.
inetd — Super-server daemon for managing Internet services.
interchange — Interchange e-commerce software.
ipaliases — IP aliasing software.
melange — Melange chat client.
mysql — MySQL database server.
named — BIND nameserver software.
nsd — Open-source NSD nameserver daemon.
postgres — PostgresSQL database service.
postgresql — PostgreSQL database service.
proftpd — ProFTP server daemon.
pureftpd — Pure-FTP server daemon.
rsyslogd — Open-source log forwarder daemon.
spamd — Spam-deferral daemon.
sshd — Secure shell daemon.
syslogd — Log forwarder daemon.
tailwatchd — cPanel’s TailWatch log processing service.
tomcat — Apache Tomcat service.
xinetd — Open-source super-server daemon.
addpop — Adds a POP account.
delpop — Removes a POP account.
wwwacct — Adds a cPanel account.
restorepkg — Restores an account backup or cpmove package.
cpbackup — Backs up all accounts.
pkgacct — Generates cpmove files, which contain all data for an account. This script is very useful for transferring an account.
upcp — Updates cPanel and WHM.
setupmailserver — Allows you to switch mail servers.
setupftpserver — Allows you to switch FTP servers.
setupnameserver — Allows switching between DNS servers.
checkperlmodules — Contains a list of standard CPAN modules to install on cPanel servers. This script is used in conjunction with realperlinstaller, below.
realperlinstaller — A wrapper script that automates the installation of Perl CPAN modules.
suspendacct — Suspends an account.
unsuspendacct — Unsuspends an account.
runweblogs — Updates statistics for a user.
runstatsonce — Updates statistics for all users.
makecppphp — Reinstalls cPanel’s internal PHP.
portsup — Updates ports (on FreeBSD® systems only).

Verifying the License

If you suspect that your cPanel and WHM license is not functioning:
Run either of the following commands from your server’s command line interface:
curl -L http://cpanel.net/showip.cgi.
lynx -dump http://cpanel.net/showip.cgi
Next, visit http://verify.cpanel.net.
Enter the IP address you obtained in step 1.
Our website will display the status of your license.
If your server’s IP (from step 1) does not match the IP address on your license, contact cPanel Customer Service for further assistance.
If your IP address matches the license, and you are still experiencing problems, run the following script to verify your license:
Once the script runs, you should be returned promptly to the command line with no messages if it works properly. If it takes longer than a few seconds, you may be experiencing connectivity issues.

Deactivating the Firewall

If you have a firewall running, you will need to disable it prior to running the cPanel installation. Red Hat and CentOS distributions allow you to disable the firewall during the operating system’s installation configuration. This is the recommended method.
However, this can also be accomplished in Red Hat and CentOS by running the following commands in your command line interface:
/etc/init.d/iptables save
/etc/init.d/iptables stop
The OS firewall must remain disabled in order for WHM and cPanel to run on your web server. When the installation is complete, you will need to configure your firewall using a third-party client. cPanel recommends using APF or CSF.
If you are using FreeBSD, you will need to consult that community’s documentation for disabling firewalls.

Apache Pre-Installation Configuration

Apache Pre-Installation Configuration
Configuring Apache before installation through our EasyApache system is useful during the server’s provisioning process. Accomplishing this task, however, requires that you access another server that is already configured and running EasyApache. There are 2 interfaces you can use to create a new EasyApache profile.
The first utilizes the command line interface. This can be accessed through the ssh command by logging into the server which is already running EasyApache, and typing /scripts/easyapache.
The profile can also be built in WHM under the Software tab by clicking Apache Update.
The 2 interfaces, while they are used differently, present the same set of options.
The EasyApache configuration options range from which versions of Apache and PHP to install to specific security and bandwidth preferences. Your new profile is set up by selecting these options in a step-by-step interface.
When you reach step 5 of EasyApache:
Access the Exhaustive Options List (in either interface).
This will allow your new profile to be created without compiling and installing it on the working server.
Assign a file name, a display name, and a brief profile description to your new EA3 profile.
The Save Only (Do Not Build) option must be used.
This action will store the new profile to /var/cpanel/easyapache/profile/custom/ without recompiling the working versions of Apache and PHP.
Your new profile, once it has been created, needs to be copied to /etc/cp_easyapache_profile.yaml on the new server using the scp command.
Note: Please consult the EasyApache documentation for more information regarding Easy Apache’s configuration options.

Pre-Installation Configuration of WHM / cPanel Settings

To configure cPanel and WHM prior to installation, you can use a command line text editor to create the file /root/cpanel_profile/cpanel.config. By entering a set of recognizable parameters, you will be allowed to configure cPanel and WHM before they are installed. Upon installation, this configuration file will be copied to /var/cpanel/cpanel.config.
The parameters are listed below as a set of variables. The variables are defined in basic terms as “variable name (variable type) (valid input values).” To define a variable, simply set it equal to a value. For example, to set the maximum emails per hour that any domain can send to 500, add maxemailsperhour=500 to /root/cpanel_profile/cpanel.config.
Remember: When using the Boolean variable type, a value of 1 means the feature will be enabled while a value of 0 means the feature will be disabled.
dnsadminapp (boolean) (1,0)
Application for processing DNS requests. The default setting of 1 uses the cPanel DNS cluster at /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr /bin/dnsadmin. It is highly recommended that the default option be used.
check_zone_syntax (boolean) (1,0)
Dictates whether or not to check DNS zone file syntax when saving and synchronizing DNS zones.
useauthnameservers (boolean) (1,0)
When active, cPanel will check whether a domain name is already registered. If the domain name is registered, cPanel will ignore the configured nameservers and set the NS line to authoritative (registered) nameservers.
autocreateaentries (boolean) (1,0)
This control will automatically create A entries for registered nameservers contained in the zone when adding a new domain.
publichtmlsubsonly (boolean) (1,0)
Prevents account holders from creating subdomains outside of their own /public_html directory.
allowparkhostnamedomainsubdomains (boolean) (1,0)
Permits account holders to park (add on) subdomains on the server’s hostname domain.
allowresellershostnamedomainsubdomains (boolean) (1,0)
Allows resellers to create accounts with subdomains of the server’s hostname domain.
allowparkonothers (boolean) (1,0)
Allows account holders to park domains owned by other users. Activating this setting is not recommended.
allowremotedomains (boolean) (1,0)
Allows the creation of parked domains that resolve to other servers. This is known as domain transferring and can be a major security issue. If it must be enabled please disable users from parking common Internet domains (see blockcommondomains below).
blockcommondomains (boolean) (1,0)
Prevents account holders from parking on common Internet domains (i.e. hotmail.com, aol.com).
allowunregistereddomains (boolean) (1,0)
Allows the account holder to create unregistered parked domains.
proxysubdomains (boolean) (1,0)
Adds proxy VirtualHost to the httpd.conf file, automatically redirecting traffic from webmail and WHM subdomains to the correct ports. This option requires mod_rewrite and mod_proxy to function properly.
proxysubdomainsfornewaccounts (boolean) (1,0)
Automatically creates cPanel, webmail, and WHM proxy subdomain DNS entries for all new and existing accounts. To reconfigure the DNS entries manually, use /scripts/proxydomains.
proxysubdomainsoverride (boolean) (1,0)
Allows account holders to create cPanel webmail and WHM subdomains that override any proxy subdomains that were generated automatically.
defaultmailaction (string) (local user, blackhole, fail)
Defines default catch-all and address behaviors for new accounts. Fail is generally considered the best option for guarding against typical mail attacks.
remotedomainscheck (boolean) (1,0)
Automatic setup of the /etc/localdomains, /etc/remotedomains, and /etc/secondarymx directories based on where the mail exchanger (MX) record is pointed.
discardformmailbccsubject (boolean) (1,0)
Silently discards all FormMail and FormMail-clone requests with a bcc: header as the subject line.
exim-retrytime (integer) (≥ 0)
This option controls the number of minutes between mail server queue runs. The default value is 60 minutes.
eximmailtrap (boolean) (1,0)
Tracks the origins of messages through the mail server by adding X-Source headers. This option requires that the server have Exim 4.34 or greater.
maxemailsperhour (integer) (≥ 0)
Defines the maximum number of messages each domain can send per hour. Enter a value of 0 for unlimited sends.
nobodyspam (boolean) (1,0)
User nobody is prevented from sending mail to remote addresses. Please note that PHP and CGI scripts usually run as nobody when PHPsuEXEC and suEXEC are not being used.
popbeforesmtpsenders (boolean) (1,0)
A list of POPBeforeSMTP senders will be included in the X-PopBeforeSMTP header when relaying mail. This feature requires that the server have Exim 4.34-30 or greater installed.
popchecktimes (integer) (≥ 0)
Defines how many times per hour an account holder can check e-mail using POP3. A value of 0 is defined as unlimited.
popfloodcheck (boolean) (1,0)
Modifies options within Courier’s POP3 daemon to limit the maximum number of connections per IP in an effort to prevent POP3 connection floods.
skipboxtrapper (boolean) (1,0)
The BoxTrapper feature will not be accessible to account holders.
skiphorde (boolean) (1,0)
The Horde webmail feature will not be accessible to account holders.
skipmailman (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the Mailman feature.
skipneomail (boolean) (1,0)
The Neo webmail feature will not be accessible to account holders.
skipspamassassin (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the SpamAssassin spam filter.
skipspambox (boolean) (1,0)
Messages marked as spam by SpamAssassin spam box will be delivered to account holders, rather than to a spam box. This option is user-configurable.
skipsqmail (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the SquirrelMail webmail feature.
usemailformailmanurl (boolean) (1,0)
Adds the mail. prefix for Mailman URLs (i.e. http://mail.domain.com/mailman)
mysql-version (4, 4.1, 5)
Controls the current version of SQL running on the server. When changes are made to the server, click on Update Server Software under Software in the WHM interface. From the terminal, run /scripts/mysqlup followed by running /BuildApache/EasyApache. It may also be necessary to run /scripts/perlinstaller --force Bundle::DBD::mysql from the terminal.
Important: Updating from a previous version of MySQL is not automatically reversible; backups should be made if it might be necessary to downgrade in the future.
usemysqloldpass (boolean) (1,0)
Allows old-style MySQL 4.0 passwords with MySQL 4.1 and greater. This may be required if problems are encountered while trying to authenticate PHP applications.
skipdiskcheck (boolean) (1,0)
Disk space usage warnings will not appear to account holders.
emailusers_diskusage_full_percent (integer) (0 - 100)
This feature defines when a user’s disk usage is considered to be in the “full” state. Entering a value of 0 will disable this notification.
emailusers_diskusage_full_contact_admin (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies the admin or reseller when an account has reached the “full” state.
emailusers_diskusage_critical_percent (integer) (0 - 100)
Defines the threshold when the account holder’s disk usage is considered to be in the “critical” state. A value of 0 will disable the notification.
emailusers_diskusage_critical_contact_admin (boolean) (1,0)
Automatically notify the admin or reseller when an account has reached its defined “critical” disk usage state.
emailusers_diskusage_warn_percent (integer) (0 - 100)
Defines the threshold when an account holder’s disk usage is considered at the “warn” state. A value of 0 will disable this notification.
emailusers_diskusage_warn_contact_admin (boolean) (1,0)__
Notifies the admin or reseller when the account holder has reached the “warn” disk usage state.
skipboxcheck (boolean) (1,0)
Disables mailbox usage warnings.
emailusers_mailbox_full_percent (integer) (0 - 100)
Defines the threshold when an account holder’s mailbox disk usage is considered “full.” A value of 0 will disable this notification.
emailusers_mailbox_critical_percent (integer) (0 - 100)
This option defines the threshold when an account holder’s mailbox disk usage is considered “critical.” A value of 0 will disable this notification.
emailusers_mailbox_warn_percent (integer) (0 - 100)
Defines the threshold when an account holder’s mailbox disk usage is considered at the “warn” stage. A value of 0 will disable this notification.
skipbwlimitcheck (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the ability to suspend accounts that exceed bandwidth limits. If disabled, it will clear all suspensions and disable all bandwidth notifications.
emailusersbandwidthexceed99 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 99% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed98 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 98% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed97 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 97% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed95 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 95% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed90 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 90% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed85 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 85% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed80 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 80% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed75 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 75% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed70 (boolean) (1,0)
Notifies users through email that 70% of the allotted bandwidth has been used.
emailusersbandwidthexceed (boolean) (1,0)
Emails users when they have exceeded their bandwidth. Disabling this will prevent all bandwidth limits email from being sent.
interchangever (5.0, 4.8, 4.9, disable)
Defines which Interchange version to use. (If Interchange is disabled, turn off the service in the Service Manager.)
phploader (string) (none, oldsourceguardian, sourceguardian, ioncube)
Defines the PHP loader to use for internal cPanel PHP. Use oldsourceguardian for versions 1.x and 2.x.
skipformmail (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the FormMail-clone CGI feature.
urchinsetpath (string) (/path)
Defines the path to the Urchin installation if it is already installed. This option can be left blank for auto-detection.
awstatsreversedns (boolean) (1,0)
AWStats will reverse-DNS-lookup the hostnames of IPs that have visited the site.
skipanalog (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the Analog stats feature.
skipawstats (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the AWStats feature.
skipwebalizer (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the Webalizer stats feature.
awstatsbrowserupdate (boolean) (1,0)
Enables account holders to update AWStats from the cPanel interface.
cycle (float) (≥ 0)
Defines the number of days between processing log files and bandwidth usage. The default value is 1.
dumplogs (boolean) (1,0)
Deletes each domain’s access logs after the stats are run.
extracpus (integer) (≥ 0)
Defines the load average divided by the number of CPUs at which log file processing should be suspended. Its default value is 0.
ftppasslogs (boolean) (1,0)
Will not include the password in the raw log download link shown on the cPanel FTP Accounts screen.
keepftplogs (boolean) (1,0)
Prevents /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ftpxferlog from being reset after it has been separated into each domain name’s FTP log.
keeplogs (boolean) (1,0)
Keeps the log files at the end of the month. Disk space can be used very quickly if this feature is enabled.
keepstatslog (boolean) (1,0)
Stats log located at /user/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log will be kept between cPanel restarts. This feature is off by default.
logchmod (octal permission) (4 digit integer)
This option defines the chmod value for raw Apache log files. 0640 is the value by default.
showwhmbwusageinmegs (boolean) (1,0)
WHM always displays bandwidth usage in Megabytes first.
skipeximstats (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the Exim stats daemon. It is required for SMTP bandwidth logging and must also be modified in the Service Manager.
statsloglevel (integer) (0 - 10)
Defines the stats log level. The default value is 1. Larger numbers indicate greater debugging information in /usr/local/cpanel/logs/stats_log.
loadthreshold (integer) (≥ 0)
Defines the load average that will cause the server status to appear red. The default is 0.
alwaysredirecttossl (boolean) (1,0)
Redirects account holders to the SSL/TLS ports when visiting certain directories on the server (i.e. cPanel, Webmail, etc.).
logout_redirect_url (string) (URL)
Redirects users to the URL upon logout of the cPanel interface. A blank value specifies the default logout page.
cpredirect (string) (hostname, origin domain name)
Allows users to redirect to another location when visiting cPanel, WHM, and webmail when SSL is not being utilized.
cpredirectssl (string) (hostname, origin domain name, ssl certification name)
Allows users to redirect to another location when visiting cPanel, WHM, and webmail when SSL is being utilized.
conserve_memory (boolean) (1,0)
Allows the user to conserve memory at the expense of the CPU and disk I/O.
allowcpsslinstall (boolean) (1,0)
Allows account holders to install SSL hosts if they have a dedicated IP.
allowperlupdates (boolean) (1,0)
Allows Perl updates from RPM-based Linux vendors when enabled.
apache_port (IP address:Port #) (x.x.x.x:x)
Assigns the port on which Apache will listen for HTTP connections. Specifying an IP address will prevent Apache from listening on all other IPs. The default value for this option is A value of 0 is undefined.
apache_ssl_port (IP address:Port #) (x.x.x.x:x)
Assigns the port on which Apache will listen for HTTPS connections. Specifying an IP address will prevent Apache from listening on all other IPs. The default value for this option is A value of 0 is undefined.
Note: The x’s in this scenario are meant to represent positive integers of 1 or more digits.
allow_server_info_status_from (string) (URL)
Controls the list of IP addresses or hostnames, separated by spaces, that are allowed to view the /server-info and /server-status pages. Please see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_access.html#allow for the proper values to configure this option.
cpsrvd-gzip (boolean) (1,0)
Compresses the interface pages using gzip compression to reduce bandwidth usage for cPanel and WHM.
cpsrvd-domainlookup (boolean) (1,0)
Allows usernames to be determined through the account hostname if no username is provided.
disableipnscheck (boolean) (1,0)
Allows the sharing of nameserver IPs when it is enabled.
disablequotacache (boolean) (1,0)
Disables disk quota display caching. WHM will then cache disk usage, which could potentially delay the displaying of disk quotas by 15 minutes. Disabling this feature can result in a serious degradation of performance.
disablexfercpanel (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the ability to login to the users’ cPanel interface with the root or reseller password. This also disables the Switch Account drop-down in themes with the “switch account” feature.
disable_compiled_dnsadmin (boolean) (1,0)
Disables the use of the compiled DNSAdmin functions.
dnslookuponconnect (boolean) (1,0)
Attempts to resolve each client’s IP address to a domain name when an account holder connects to the cPanel interface. This can cause a severe drop in performance quality.
errorstostdout (boolean) (1,0)
Errors will display in cPanel rather than putting them into the error log at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log.
file_upload_max_bytes (integer) (≥ 0, unlimited)
Defines the maximum size, in Megabytes, for a file to upload through cPanel’s File Manager. To define an unlimited maximum size, use unlimited as the input value.
file_upload_must_leave_bytes (integer) (≥ 0)
Defines the minimum filesystem quota space (in Megabytes) required after a file is uploaded through the cPanel File Manager. This function is intended to prevent users from hitting their quota limit through File Manager uploads. The default value is 5 Megabytes.
ignoredepreciated (boolean) (1,0)
Warning messages about depreciating features will not be displayed. Turning this feature on may lead to a non-functioning server when some features are removed in future releases.
jaildefaultshell (boolean) (1,0)
Sets Jailshell as the default shell for all new and modified accounts.
maxmem (integer) (≥ 128)
Defines the maximum memory, in Megabytes, any cPanel process can use before it is killed off. The input value for this option cannot be less than 128.
nativessl (boolean) (1,0)
Allows native SSL support when possible, negating the need for Stunnel.
nouserbackupwarn (boolean) (1,0)
Users will not be warned about system backup being disabled in cPanel.
remotewhmtimeout (integer) (≥ 35)
Defines the timeout period (in seconds) for connections between the server and remote WHM servers.
resetpass (boolean) (1,0)
Allows cPanel account holders to reset their passwords via email.
rollback (boolean) (1,0)
Enables cPanel software rollback. This feature also turns on a build archiving and restoration package that allows an administrator to rollback a cPanel installation to a previous build. All files will be stored to the server.
skiphttpauth (boolean) (1,0)
Disables HTTP authentication for logging into cPanel, webmail, and WHM, while forcing cookie authentication.
skipparentcheck (boolean) (1,0)
Allows cPanel and admin binaries to run from applications outside the cPanel server ( cpsrvd).
skipmelange (boolean) (1,0)
Prevents the deprecated Melange 1.10 chat server from starting.
skipwhoisns (boolean) (1,0)
Disables whois lookups when accessing the WHM Nameserver IPs feature.
htaccess_check_recurse (integer) (0 - 100)
Defines the maximum number of directories deep to look for .htaccess files when doing .htaccess checks. 2 is the default setting; values higher than 2 are discouraged.
cpaddons_adminemail (boolean) (1,0)
Defines the default administrative contact for cPAddons moderation emails. Resellers will be notified if their contact email is set in cPanel.
cpaddons_max_moderation_req_all_mod (integer) (≥ 0)
Defines the maximum number of moderated requests a user can have at any given time.
cpaddons_max_moderation_req_per_mod (integer) (≥ 0)
Defines the maximum number of moderated requests per add-on a user may have at any given time.
cpaddons_moderation_request (boolean) (1,0)
Activates the pending moderation requests auto-notification system for cPAddons administrators.
cpaddons_no_3rd_party (boolean) (1,0)
Prevents the installation of add-on scripts that have not been provided by cPanel.
cpaddons_no_modified_cpanel (boolean) (1,0)
Prevents the installation of add-on scripts that have to be altered. Turning this feature off while testing custom add-ons may be very useful.
cpaddons_autoupdate (boolean) (1,0)
Keeps all cPAddon source files up to date automatically.
cpaddons_notify_owner (boolean) (1,0)
Automatically updates account holders with cPAddon installations in need of updates.
cpaddons_notify_root (boolean) (1,0)
Allows WHM to automatically notify the cPAddons administrator(s) of cPAddon installations that need to be updated.

Configuring YUM Before Installing cPanel

It is possible to modify yum (Yellowdog Updater Modifier) prior to installing cPanel/WHM. However, because cPanel handles its own installation of services, you will need to exclude a number of packages.
To exclude these packages:
Open /etc/yum.conf with your preferred text editor in the command line interface.
Enter the following line:
Exclude= apache* bind-chroot courier* dovecot* exim* httpd* mod_ssl* mysql* nsd* perl* php* proftpd* pure-ftpd* spamassassin* squirrelmail*
Warning: Use only vendor-provided distributions when installing cPanel, as cPanel is only tested using these packages. Third-party repositories, such as RPMforge, can replace vital parts of the system and cause unexpected results.

Getting Started in WHM

Getting Started in WHM
To access the WHM interface:
Type https:/$IP:2087 in your preferred web browser.
$IP is meant to stand for the IP address of your web server.
Use root as the login name in the Name field.
Enter the password into the Password field.
Click Log In.
For more details, see our documentation on the WHM Getting Started Wizard.
To set up cPanel accounts for your users, navigate to the WHM Create a New Account screen. cPanel allows your users to create email and FTP accounts, as well as perform other website management tasks.

Disable SELinux Security Features

For a fully successful installation you should disable SELinux. When installing a Red Hat or CentOS distribution, you will be able to use the graphical interface to disable SELinux when configuring the operating system.
This can also be accomplished by editing /etc/selinux/config from the command line, and setting the SELINUX parameter to disabled with a text editor such as nano. The file should resemble the following text:
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
# targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.
# strict - Full SELinux protection.
Important: SELinux must remain disabled in order for WHM and cPanel to run on your web server. Ensure that the number sign (#) does not precede SELINUX=disabled. If this sign precedes this configuration option, this line will be ignored.
Warning: Do not transfer the SELinux configuration file between computers as it may destroy the file’s integrity.

Installing cPanel and WHM

Installing cPanel / WHM
To begin your installation, use the following commands:
cd /home — Opens the directory /home.
wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/latest — Fetches the latest installation file from the cPanel servers.
sh latest — Opens and runs the installation files.
/usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt — Activates your license after installation.

الأحد، 31 مايو 2009

How to install ionCube Loaders on Linux server?

The ionCube Loader is a PHP extension which used to handles the reading and execution of encoded files at runtime. Cpanel does support in build script to install it very easily.
1. IonCube when installed via EasyApache or the PHP Extension Manager (/scripts/phpextensionmgr) installs IonCube for use by PHP Applications served by Apache.You can easily install it viassh using following scripts
#/scripts/phpextensionmgr install IonCubeLoader
2. IonCube when installed via the Tweak Settings option configures the Internal PHP environment to use IonCube.
WHM > Tweak Settings > PHP > Loader
The difference:
Option 1 means IonCube is available for PHP Applications accessed like:
Option 2 means IonCube is available for PHP Applications access like

info alout the host

Web Hosting General Terms and Conditions AgreementThe Web Hosting General Terms and Conditions Agreement ("Agreement") governs the terms of use of the web hosting service ("Service") described on this website and for use by Customers ("Customer") offered by () Greymatter Hosting LLC ("Provider"). The Agreement is made between Customer and Provider whenever Service is requested or ordered by Customer. The Agreement is maintained independently of any other agreement between Provider and Customer, even if Provider and Customer are engaged in other Service Agreements or arrangements such as professional services, software development, or web development.DefinitionsWeb Hosting. An Internet web hosting service rendered by Provider that includes the installation, maintenance, repair, and the 24 hour Internet connection of one or more shared or 1002$ physical computers for use by Customer.Network Transfer. A finite amount of Provider's network transfer (bandwidth) capability for use by Customer using the Services requested by Customer.Technical Support. Technical phone and electronic support is provided only to Customer's authorized Contacts ("Contacts") as listed within Customer's Control Panel. Technical Support does not include computer training, software training, or any other general technical or Internet training.FeesSetup fee. Customer agrees to pay in full the amount of any non-recurring one-time setup fees listed in the Service description prior to any server provisioning, equipment acquisition or installation by Provider.Recurring fee. Customer agrees to pay any recurring fees listed in the Service description one term in advance each anniversary date.Network Transfer overage fee. Should Customer exceed the total amount of combined network transfer as described in the Service description,, Customer agrees that overage fees will apply and be due immediately. Current pricing for bandwidth overage fees are maintained at the following Term. This Agreement shall be effective as long as Customer or Customer's contacts continue to use Provider's Service. Customer shall pay any applicable federal, state or local use, franchise, excise, sales or privilege taxes, duties, fees or similar liabilities chargeable to or against Provider resulting from the services furnished by Provider.Acceptable Use . Customer's use of Provider's services is further governed by the Provider's Web Hosting "Acceptable Usage Policy" ("AUP") which promotes safe computing practices. Provider may at its sole discretion change, update and revise the AUP. Notice of change will be sent to the primary email address contacts in Provider's Customer database. Notification will not be delivered by phone or US Mail. The AUP is maintained at the following Account OwnershipAccount Owner. The highest authority of a single specific Account is the Account Owner. Individual Services that are associated with an Account, are controlled by the Account and its Account Owner. The Account Owner is established at the time the Account is created. The details of an Account Owner must be that of a real person. It is not permitted to use non-fictious or "fake" names for the details of an Account Owner. Accounts containing non-fictious or "fake" names, and contact details that do not reflect the details of a real person may be suspended or terminated without notice.Transfer. The Account Owner role can be transfered only to an existing Contact on an Account and only with the permission of the current Account Owner. If the Account ownership role is transfered to another Contact, the previous Account Owner is no longer privelaged beyond the basic privelages of their new role.TermMoney Back GuaranteeFollowing is a list of services that qualify for the money back guarantee program:Qualifying Services / Initial Periods- (linux) Shared-Server 30 Days nullThe person issuing the cancellation must be available by telephone to confirm the action.Money Back Guarantee program does not apply to items or services including but not limited to Domain Registrations, SSL Certificates, Personal Security Certificates, and/or Flash Communication Services.Accounts cancelled/terminated by (mt) Media Temple for violation of the Acceptable Usage Policy will not qualify for the money back guarantee. Example; if your service is cancelled due to a SPAMming violation, you will not qualify for the money back guarantee refund.Cancellations over the telephone and informal email are not accepted.Please allow 7 days for refunds made by credit card.CancellationSecurity measures have been put in place to insure the safe cancellation of all customer related services. In the event that a Service or Account needs to be closed, customers may contact the cancellation desk by phone (248.249.3274) Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm. An email confirmation system will be used in conjunction with the (gmh) Control Panel to insure that cancellations are legitimate. Requests to close by FAX, or email are not accepted.OtherCompliance with Law. Customer will use the Services offered by Provider in a manner consistent with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.Common Carrier. Provider and Customer agree that Provider is solely acting as a common carrier in its capacity of providing services hereunder, is not a publisher of any material or information and has no right to edit or censor the material at the Servers in use by the Customer. Provider is not responsible nor pre-approves any of Customer's website content. A All material submitted by Customer for publication will be considered publicly accessible. Provider does not screen in advance Customer's material submitted to Provider for publication. Provider's publication of material submitted by Customer does not create any express or implied approval by Provider of such material, nor does it indicate that such material complies with the terms of this Agreement.Availability of service. Customer understands and agrees that interruptions of Web Hosting Services may occur due to scheduled maintenance and repair by Provider, or by strikes, riots, vandalism, fires, inclement weather, third-party provider outages, cable cuts , power crisis shortages, acts of terrorism, and or uncontrollable acts of God, or other causes beyond Provider's control, as defined by standard practices in the industry. Customer agrees that under no circumstances will Provider be held liable for any financial or other damages due to such interruptions. In no event shall Provider be liable to Customer or any other person for any special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any kind, including, without limitation, refunds of fees, loss of profits, loss of income or cost of replacement services. Such failure or delay shall not constitute a default under this Agreement.Limitation/Disclaimer of Liability. Provider is not liable for protection or privacy of electronic mail or other information transferred through the Internet or any other network provider or services its customers may utilize.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. PROVIDER'S SERVICE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS, AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. PROVIDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PROVIDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF PROVIDER HAS BEEN ADVISED BY CUSTOMER OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH POTENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE. IF PROVIDER'S SERVICE TO CUSTOMER IS DISRUPTED OR MALFUNCTIONS FOR ANY REASON, PROVIDER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSSES OF INCOME DUE TO DISRUPTION OF SERVICE, BEYOND THE FEES PAID BY CUSTOMER TO PROVIDER FOR SERVICES, DURING THE PERIOD OF DISRUPTION OF MALFUNCTION.Indemnity. (a) Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Provider harmless from and against any and all claims, obligations, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) incurred by Provider arising from or due to claims made by third parties (including customers of Customer) that are related to or arising out of: (a) false advertising claims against Customer (or customers of Customer), (b) liability claims for products or services sold by Customer (or Customer's customers) any other transactions between Customer and third parties, or (c) any content submitted by Customer for publication by Provider. The preceding sentence excludes any third party claims due to the negligence of Provider in connection with providing products or services to Customer under this Agreement.(b) Provider agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Customer harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs ) incurred by Customer arising from or due to claims made by third parties (including customers of Customer) relating to (a) claims alleging Provider's infringement of the proprietary rights of third parties; or (b) Provider's contractual relationship with any third party providers of services or products to Provider in connection with the services and products provided under this Agreement. The preceding sentence excludes any third party claims due to the negligence of Customer in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.Force Majeure. Provider shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity for any failure of performance under this Agreement if such failure is due to any cause or causes including, but not limited to strikes, riots, vandalism, fires, inclement weather, third-party provider outages, cable cuts , power crisis shortages, acts of terrorism, and or uncontrollable acts of God, or other similar occurrences; any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States government or of any other government (including state and local governmental agency, department, commission, court, bureau, corporation or other instrumentality of any one or more of said governments) or of any civil or military authority; national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars; or strikes, lockouts, or work stoppages or other labor difficulties; failures, shortages, breaches or delays.Liability of Customer. Any mistakes, accidents, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission or Service which are caused or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by an act or omission of the Customer or by the use of Customer-provided facilities or equipment, or by the use of facilities or equipment furnished by any other person using Customer's facilities which are connected to Provider's facilities, shall not result in the imposition of any liability upon Provider and Customer shall pay to Provider any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by Provider as a result thereof, including costs of local exchange company, labor and materials.Nondisclosure. Provider and Customer shall use their best efforts to keep the provisions (including price) of the Agreement from the public, competitors, or others who may gain benefit from such knowledge unless required by law to divulge such information to regulatory authorities or unless required in connection with enforcing that party's rights hereunder.Governing Law/Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue for any action hereunder shall be in Los Angeles County, California.Relationship of the Parties. The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement, and that no additional partnership, joint venture or employee/employer relationship is intended - unless otherwise specific in a special agreement.Taxes. If any federal, state or local governmental entity with taxing authority over the services provided under this Agreement imposes a tax directly on the services provided by Provider to Customer under this Agreement (excluding any income, business and occupation, capital gain, death or inheritance, or other indirect taxes), then Provider may pass the direct amount of such cost on to Customer, and Customer shall promptly pay such cost.Waiver. Any party's failure to insist on compliance or enforcement of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect its validity or enforceability or constitute a waiver of future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision of this Agreement.Attorneys' Fees. If a legal proceeding is commenced to enforce or obtain a declaration of rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in the proceeding from the non-prevailing party, as well as any reasonable attorneys' fees and costs that the prevailing party incurred prior to commencing the proceeding.Notices . Any notice under this Agreement may be e-mailed, delivered personally or mailed by registered mail to the addresses written below, or to such other places as the parties may designate in writing.Data Back-up. Customer is responsible for independent backup of data stored on Provider's servers; unless the Customer's Web Hosting Service Order includes backup services in which case data backup will be performed under the terms of the specific data backup plan chosen by Customer. Domain Names. Throughout the course of service rendered to Customer by Provider, Customer will remain the full owner and controlling entity for the Customer's established domain name. Registration and modification of domain name status, including name server location is handled by independent domain name registrars. Posted by kero at 8:04 AM 0 comments Ther pro web hosting service Web Hosting General Terms and Conditions AgreementThe Web Hosting General Terms and Conditions Agreement ("Agreement") governs the terms of use of the web hosting service ("Service") described on this website ("http://www.greymatterhosting.com/") and ("https://cp.greymatterhosting.com/") for use by Customers ("Customer") offered by () Greymatter Hosting LLC ("Provider"). The Agreement is made between Customer and Provider whenever Service is requested or ordered by Customer. The Agreement is maintained independently of any other agreement between Provider and Customer, even if Provider and Customer are engaged in other Service Agreements or arrangements such as professional services, software development, or web development.DefinitionsWeb Hosting. An Internet web hosting service rendered by Provider that includes the installation, maintenance, repair, and the 24 hour Internet connection of one or more shared or physical computers for use by Customer.Network Transfer. A finite amount of Provider's network transfer (bandwidth) capability for use by Customer using the Services requested by Customer.Technical Support. Technical phone and electronic support is provided only to Customer's authorized Contacts ("Contacts") as listed within Customer's Control Panel. Technical Support does not include computer training, software training, or any other general technical or Internet training.FeesSetup fee. Customer agrees to pay in full the amount of any non-recurring one-time setup fees listed in the Service description prior to any server provisioning, equipment acquisition or installation by Provider.Recurring fee. Customer agrees to pay any recurring fees listed in the Service description one term in advance each anniversary date.Network Transfer overage fee. Should Customer exceed the total amount of combined network transfer as described in the Service description,, Customer agrees that overage fees will apply and be due immediately. Current pricing for bandwidth overage fees are maintained at the following URL: http://www.greymatterhosting.com/overages/Term. This Agreement shall be effective as long as Customer or Customer's contacts continue to use Provider's Service. Customer shall pay any applicable federal, state or local use, franchise, excise, sales or privilege taxes, duties, fees or similar liabilities chargeable to or against Provider resulting from the services furnished by Provider.Acceptable Use . Customer's use of Provider's services is further governed by the Provider's Web Hosting "Acceptable Usage Policy" ("AUP") which promotes safe computing practices. Provider may at its sole discretion change, update and revise the AUP. Notice of change will be sent to the primary email address contacts in Provider's Customer database. Notification will not be delivered by phone or US Mail. The AUP is maintained at the following URL: http://www.greymatterhosting.com/index.php?id=34Account OwnershipAccount Owner. The highest authority of a single specific Account is the Account Owner. Individual Services that are associated with an Account, are controlled by the Account and its Account Owner. The Account Owner is established at the time the Account is created. The details of an Account Owner must be that of a real person. It is not permitted to use non-fictious or "fake" names for the details of an Account Owner. Accounts containing non-fictious or "fake" names, and contact details that do not reflect the details of a real person may be suspended or terminated without notice.Transfer. The Account Owner role can be transfered only to an existing Contact on an Account and only with the permission of the current Account Owner. If the Account ownership role is transfered to another Contact, the previous Account Owner is no longer privelaged beyond the basic privelages of their new role.TermMoney Back GuaranteeFollowing is a list of services that qualify for the money back guarantee program:Qualifying Services / Initial Periods- (linux) Shared-Server 30 Days nullThe person issuing the cancellation must be available by telephone to confirm the action.Money Back Guarantee program does not apply to items or services including but not limited to Domain Registrations, SSL Certificates, Personal Security Certificates, and/or Flash Communication Services.Accounts cancelled/terminated by (mt) Media Temple for violation of the Acceptable Usage Policy will not qualify for the money back guarantee. Example; if your service is cancelled due to a SPAMming violation, you will not qualify for the money back guarantee refund.Cancellations over the telephone and informal email are not accepted.Please allow 7 days for refunds made by credit card.CancellationSecurity measures have been put in place to insure the safe cancellation of all customer related services. In the event that a Service or Account needs to be closed, customers may contact the cancellation desk by phone (248.249.3274) Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm. An email confirmation system will be used in conjunction with the (gmh) Control Panel to insure that cancellations are legitimate. Requests to close by FAX, or email are not accepted.OtherCompliance with Law. Customer will use the Services offered by Provider in a manner consistent with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.Common Carrier. Provider and Customer agree that Provider is solely acting as a common carrier in its capacity of providing services hereunder, is not a publisher of any material or information and has no right to edit or censor the material at the Servers in use by the Customer. Provider is not responsible nor pre-approves any of Customer's website content. A All material submitted by Customer for publication will be considered publicly accessible. Provider does not screen in advance Customer's material submitted to Provider for publication. Provider's publication of material submitted by Customer does not create any express or implied approval by Provider of such material, nor does it indicate that such material complies with the terms of this Agreement.Availability of service. Customer understands and agrees that interruptions of Web Hosting Services may occur due to scheduled maintenance and repair by Provider, or by strikes, riots, vandalism, fires, inclement weather, third-party provider outages, cable cuts , power crisis shortages, acts of terrorism, and or uncontrollable acts of God, or other causes beyond Provider's control, as defined by standard practices in the industry. Customer agrees that under no circumstances will Provider be held liable for any financial or other damages due to such interruptions. In no event shall Provider be liable to Customer or any other person for any special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any kind, including, without limitation, refunds of fees, loss of profits, loss of income or cost of replacement services. Such failure or delay shall not constitute a default under this Agreement.Limitation/Disclaimer of Liability. Provider is not liable for protection or privacy of electronic mail or other information transferred through the Internet or any other network provider or services its customers may utilize.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. PROVIDER'S SERVICE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS, AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. PROVIDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PROVIDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF PROVIDER HAS BEEN ADVISED BY CUSTOMER OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH POTENTIAL LOSS OR DAMAGE. IF PROVIDER'S SERVICE TO CUSTOMER IS DISRUPTED OR MALFUNCTIONS FOR ANY REASON, PROVIDER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSSES OF INCOME DUE TO DISRUPTION OF SERVICE, BEYOND THE FEES PAID BY CUSTOMER TO PROVIDER FOR SERVICES, DURING THE PERIOD OF DISRUPTION OF MALFUNCTION.Indemnity. (a) Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Provider harmless from and against any and all claims, obligations, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) incurred by Provider arising from or due to claims made by third parties (including customers of Customer) that are related to or arising out of: (a) false advertising claims against Customer (or customers of Customer), (b) liability claims for products or services sold by Customer (or Customer's customers) any other transactions between Customer and third parties, or (c) any content submitted by Customer for publication by Provider. The preceding sentence excludes any third party claims due to the negligence of Provider in connection with providing products or services to Customer under this Agreement.(b) Provider agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Customer harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs ) incurred by Customer arising from or due to claims made by third parties (including customers of Customer) relating to (a) claims alleging Provider's infringement of the proprietary rights of third parties; or (b) Provider's contractual relationship with any third party providers of services or products to Provider in connection with the services and products provided under this Agreement. The preceding sentence excludes any third party claims due to the negligence of Customer in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.Force Majeure. Provider shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity for any failure of performance under this Agreement if such failure is due to any cause or causes including, but not limited to strikes, riots, vandalism, fires, inclement weather, third-party provider outages, cable cuts , power crisis shortages, acts of terrorism, and or uncontrollable acts of God, or other similar occurrences; any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States government or of any other government (including state and local governmental agency, department, commission, court, bureau, corporation or other instrumentality of any one or more of said governments) or of any civil or military authority; national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars; or strikes, lockouts, or work stoppages or other labor difficulties; failures, shortages, breaches or delays.Liability of Customer. Any mistakes, accidents, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission or Service which are caused or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by an act or omission of the Customer or by the use of Customer-provided facilities or equipment, or by the use of facilities or equipment furnished by any other person using Customer's facilities which are connected to Provider's facilities, shall not result in the imposition of any liability upon Provider and Customer shall pay to Provider any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by Provider as a result thereof, including costs of local exchange company, labor and materials.Nondisclosure. Provider and Customer shall use their best efforts to keep the provisions (including price) of the Agreement from the public, competitors, or others who may gain benefit from such knowledge unless required by law to divulge such information to regulatory authorities or unless required in connection with enforcing that party's rights hereunder.Governing Law/Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue for any action hereunder shall be in Los Angeles County, California.Relationship of the Parties. The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement, and that no additional partnership, joint venture or employee/employer relationship is intended - unless otherwise specific in a special agreement.Taxes. If any federal, state or local governmental entity with taxing authority over the services provided under this Agreement imposes a tax directly on the services provided by Provider to Customer under this Agreement (excluding any income, business and occupation, capital gain, death or inheritance, or other indirect taxes), then Provider may pass the direct amount of such cost on to Customer, and Customer shall promptly pay such cost.Waiver. Any party's failure to insist on compliance or enforcement of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect its validity or enforceability or constitute a waiver of future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision of this Agreement.Attorneys' Fees. If a legal proceeding is commenced to enforce or obtain a declaration of rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in the proceeding from the non-prevailing party, as well as any reasonable attorneys' fees and costs that the prevailing party incurred prior to commencing the proceeding.Notices . Any notice under this Agreement may be e-mailed, delivered personally or mailed by registered mail to the addresses written below, or to such other places as the parties may designate in writing.Data Back-up. Customer is responsible for independent backup of data stored on Provider's servers; unless the Customer's Web Hosting Service Order includes backup services in which case data backup will be performed under the terms of the specific data backup plan chosen by Customer. Domain Names. Throughout the course of service rendered to Customer by Provider.
Shared , Reseller , VPS , Dedicated Shared Hosting Shared hosting plans, our most popular line, allow you to host one website with full cPanel access and a number of additional websites. If you need the additional websites to have cPanel, then we recommend a reseller plan instead
Reseller Hosting Reseller hosting plans allow you to host multiple websites, each complete with their own private cPanel. Use WHM (Web Hosting Manager) to create and edit accounts
VPSEvery Surpass VPS uses the technology of Virtuozzo software. Virtuozzo creates isolated, secure virtual private servers on a single physical server enabling better server utilization, ensuring guaranteed resources and preventing applications from conflicting. Each VPS performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server

The types of hosting services

Shared Plans
Reseller Plans
Webdev Plans
VPS Plans
Dedicated servers